*** * * *** **** **** *** * * * * * * * * * * * ***** * **** **** *** * * * **** **** *** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * **** * * *** * *** **** **** *** * * * Version 7.00 (7.01 gamma) The first artificially intelligent file area maintenance utility Copyright (C) 1989 by \/isions software =============================================================================== AlphaQBBS 7.0 Included in this package =============================================================================== Executable Files: ----------------- ALPHQBBS.EXE - The main AlphaQBBS program AQSETUP.EXE - The Setup program TED.COM - Full screen editor used by the setup facility ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Text Files: ----------- AQBBS70.DOC - Main documents for AlphaQBBS UPDATE60.DOC - New features of 6.0 UPDATE70>DOC - New features of 7.0 AQINCLUD.TXT - This document AQRIGHTS.TXT - The credits for AlphaQBBS ALPHHDR.OVL - Sample header file =============================================================================== -------------------------------- End of File ----------------------------------